
By iaint


I travelled south today, not east. 

I am in Wrocław, just 90 (comfortable) minutes from Poznań on the train. I am indebted to one of the other passengers in my compartment who patiently coached me on how to pronounce "Wrocław" properly. 

It was eye wateringly hot again today - up to 34ºc in the late afternoon. I managed a bit of walking around the city centre by staying in the shade, and eventually took shelter in a lovely cafe (Literatka) looking for a cold drink and air conditioning. I opted for coffee and cake too (Extra). All three were wonderful. 

Dinner was in a shopping centre again - air conditioning and a super salad.

By the time I had finished eating the temperature was more benign and I had a good wander around some bits of the city centre I had missed earlier - along the River Oder. Very pleasant. 

My Blip is some of the detail on the impressive town hall. The other Extra is the river as the light started to fade.   

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