
By GracieG

Beach Art & Performance

I joined other members of the North Norfolk Photographic Society for our first meeting of the new season, which is traditionally a 'meet and shoot'.
We met early evening at Cromer Pier, then went off with our cameras and then met back for fish & chips.  It was cooler today but with a jacket on it was plenty warm enough to eat them outside, eagerly observed by a herring gull and its two juvenile offspring.

A lot of the beach at Cromer is off-limits as there is a big shore defence project going on which entails tons of large boulders being brought in by boat from Scotland and Norway and being dumped close to the beach. See extra. So I was beginning to wonder what I could find to photograph that was a bit different.

Happily, I spotted this man on the beach practicing his juggling.  He was quite a distance from me near the shoreline so I don't think he spotted me pointing my camera at him.

Further along the beach I came across a couple creating a mandala in the sand using a hook and rake.  It was hard to capture the scale of it so I took a photo close up and then walked up the cliff path to get a shot of the whole design.  The lady who was creating the sharp lines said this was only the 3rd time she had done one of these but that it gave her so much joy, even though it was all going to be washed away by the tide.

I thought that was inspiring.

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