A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Old to new(er)

We crossed the cricket field this morning on our way to pick some blackberries from the St Ives woodland margin. 
I fancied a shot with the old roller in the foreground of the cricket pitch not knowing that when we returned home after a coffee at Woodbank we would see the new(er) motorised roller in use, so I’ve put them together for my blip. 

We took just a small tub each as we didn’t want too many, just enough to put a few in my porridge or add to the odd pudding. Just can’t resist getting something free every year. Have picked them since I was a child. We always took a walking stick with us as there are always those that look so good just out of reach! Extra

A bit of summer left for cricket it would seem but the berries are definitely telling a different story.

Noticed while we were at Woodbank that Elvis, the notorious Macaw that lives there, is  21 at the weekend 

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