
By Nanzy19

The start of roadwork

A huge sign informing us that there would be delays from September to June 2025 for road repairs appeared a couple of weeks ago just after the junction of where our road turns into the main road. I had an early appointment to have my teeth cleaned and gave myself plenty of time just in case the work started today. And it has. I was early for the appointment, so I wandered around looking for a blip. I saw Rick, the guy in the photo and someone we've known for years, and asked him if he had any idea if the delays would be lengthy. He said that they wouldn't, and that's a good thing because the road can be very busy. Glad to get some info from someone who's working on the job. Only a fairly small section of the road going into town will be repaved. The entire road could use repairs! So many big trucks bringing goods to the island travel the road every day, and there are plenty of potholes and rough sections. Might be a few future blips too. It was very foggy this morning, and the trees behind the power poles at the top of the photo are in the fog. It's been a mix of sun and cloud and very humid today.
My appointment was with the young dental hygienist who used to work at our dentist's office. She went back to school to get her BSc and more credentials so that she could open her own business. She was my favourite hygienist at the dentist, and I missed her when she left to have a baby. It was great to see her again and catch up. No problems with my teeth or gums, always good news. 
Picked up groceries and was surprised to see G up on the roof when I got home. I don't like it when he's up there when I'm away! He's removing moss from the roof and should finish that job tomorrow. What a guy. 

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