Reaching to the sky and to the ground
I still remember how shocked and upset we were when the majestic old oak in one of the fields down Xwaaqw'um came down years ago. It had been used as a location for photo shoots for weddings and special occasions. I wonder how long it will take for it to completely rest on the ground. It's being taken over by brambles. In April, I blipped part of the tree in my over journal. Today I thought that I'd try getting a double exposure of the same part from a different perspective. I liked how the big trees behind the part reaching to the ground showed up on the bottom right and the brambles and grass in the other part. An in-camera double exposure for the MonoMonday theme. Thanks to Carolina for hosting MM this month.
A good walk on the trail through the woods down Xwaaqw'um this morning. I knew the guys working on the wetland restoration wouldn't be working on this holiday Monday. The sign that the trail is closed is there, but I didn't see any evidence of work being done on it. The main trail down to the water is still closed too.
G and I both worked hard on this Labour Day holiday. I spent about 3 hours in the garden deadheading flowers, clearing up debris, weed whacking (finally!) and raking. G worked for more hours on moving some of the winter wood into one of the sheds. What a lot of work he's done with the wood! He cut down dead trees, sawed them into rounds, chopped the rounds into pieces for the splitter, and split them into the right size for the wood stove. Still more stacked outside to dry and move inside. He's such a hard worker.
Leftovers for supper, thank goodness!
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