
By Cumbrialass

Wet wet wet!"

Fletch needed to go to the vets. Poor chap's dermatitis has flared up ... again. 
The vets is the best in the county and normally it's a lovely scenic journey but it POURED today. So not the best 40 mile round trip today. 

En route stopped at AH woods to give Fletch a walk  Even under the trees it was.heavy rain , so I walked alongside him with the Golf umbrella over him trying to keep.him dry. 

The appointment went well..
He has antibiotics and anti itch and when we got back he had a bath in  special.shampoo
 I then put on his new Towel.coat . It dries him.quickly and he seemed very comfortable.  Phew 
Fingers crossed this all.helps.

Rainy blip while  I waited our gates. 

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