Three Chairs, Aylesford

We've had a pretty dry and warm, sometimes hot, August down here so the grass in our back garden, particularly in the areas that receive the most sun, is quite straw like and parched. The only sign that's it's now September is that dawn comes later and dusk more quickly. Today's image was taken in said back garden and features some washing on the line and two of our very different garden chairs. I'd never seen the t-shirt before so it's definitely not mine!
Last night I tried making Bengali kati tolls with a green chutney and paneer. Everything cooked as it should but I find the texture of paneer a bit rubbery and it doesn't seem to take up much flavour even when you marinade it. If anyone has any helpful tips would appreciate them. Maybe I need to try tofu or even halloumi instead.
Lastly, I finally got my hair cut today after waiting far too long. I always delay and delay and my hair looks more and more dishevelled so I'm glad I plucked up the courage to go the barbers - it always looks so much better cut short!

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