
By BoydMcAdam

Cold war

As the weather was so awful today - heavy mist and rain with very poor visibility - we headed into the National Museum of Scotland on Chambers Street.

There was a fascinating exhibition on Scotland and the Cold War. It included this model from the Soviet Union celebrating Yuri Gagarin’s first flight of a human being into space. These models were very popular amongst Soviet citizens. This one had been donated by a friend - our daughter’s godfather in fact - as he had an interest in collecting Soviet memorabilia. (I’d forgotten that Gagarin had died in a plane crash aged 34).

The exhibition ranged over the preparations and equipment in place against a nuclear attack on a Scotland. But also the close links the US forces had with Scotland through the military bases. There was a display of tartans - see extra - for the various companies, including a Polaris one!

We then wandered round the rest of the museum. It is a tremendous venue - for free. The rooftop views of the city were non- existent though.

We then spent some time wandering around the damp - and still very busy - city centre.

Tomorrow the coast.

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