
By Grammy

Another Vine

I decided it would be best not to go to Mass today. There are way too many steps to climb. I made a short visit to the front sidewalk to snap this photo of my sister’s honeysuckle vine. Bees were enjoying the nectar but not on this beauty while I was there. Hubby and our BIL went to town in time for 10:00 Mass. Today is laundry and house cleaning time before we leave. I was assigned to the couch but I dusted the main level when my sister was downstairs. It’s not fair for her to do everything. I also did kitchen clean up chores. Hubby brought home a few last minute groceries. I made a beanie ornament for Mancil in his new college’s colors. Will finish it at home. Have to make one for Sky as soon as I can look up the color scheme. Otherwise, I have done very little. Hubby and BIL took a quick trip through the path they have in the forest looking for downed trees to clean up. They only encountered one. We are having a fish fry for Sunday dinner- yum! Then everyone will relax. Hopefully tomorrow will be a quiet day also. I am not comfortable being non-productive when everyone else is busy. Hope your weekend was relaxing. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. "The people in the lane below look up and see me there, Where I my honey-trumpets blow, whose sweetness fills the air. O Honeysuckle, waving there! O Woodbine, scenting all the air!" - Cicely Mary Barker

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