Day 14: At sea - last day!

Hi everyone!

Today is the last day! I Woke up to a parent-less room - they'd gone down to the medical facility for her back. Me and Craig went to breakfast and found them there. The rest of the day flew by - We had a video scavenger hunt. I was on a team with Craig, Brittany, Kerry, then eventually, John. Some of the tasks were really awkward - pretending to lose a contact and getting people to help find it, holding a towel and pretending there's a baby in it and asking people where it's parents were, and asking people if they knew where your lost pet elephant were. I had to eat a small block of butter. It was disgusting!

We had a competition in the living room where we had to design an outfit out of 2 large, clear bin bags. I went to go and get cake from The Windjammer (which was massive!), and when I came back up, Craig was wearing a dress that Kerry and Brittany had designed - complete with a matching headband, handbag, and necklace. The other team won, but it was really funny!

John took me to Johnny Rockets at some point, as his Mum had told him he had to bring friends to it. It was just me and him, and it was actually really good! I only had fries, but it was really nice!

We said goodbye to the waiters, and the Canadian couple that sit at the table next to us at dinner. I made my way up to the living room, then we went to The Windjammer for the farewell teen dinner. I was at a table with Brittany, Kerry and Megan. It went quickly, then we went back to the living room for our final few hours together.

First, we had 'Most likely to....'. I got voted for two - Most likely to become president/prime minister, and most likely to get in trouble with the law. I have no idea how that happened, but oh well.....

At 10 we had The Quest - we were split into two teams, and were given sort-of challenges to complete. For example, Jessica would say "Someone with blue eyes", and whoever got to her first with blue eyes won the point. There were some funny ones - A guy dressed as a lady, and a girl wearing a boys shirt, for example. I won two points for my team - burping the loudest and having the most hair on my chest. Not the most flattering of combinations.... We also had whole team ones, such as acting like dogs. Very interesting.... I also found out I'm on the same flight home as Scott, which was a nice surprise!

Just before 11, we lost a few people, including Scott, the twins, and Georgia. It was the start of a very emotional few hours. I've grown really close to Georgia over the past 2 weeks, so it was very difficult to say goodbye. I hugged her, and we tearfully said goodbye. I was really upset through the whole farewell party, and a small number of people left during it. At the end, Kerry left, as she was too upset to stay. I hugged her goodbye. So many people were getting really upset. It was a lot sadder than I thought it would be. This photo was taken right at the end of the party, and several of my friends (Megan, Kerry, Hannah, Brittany, Scott, the twins, and Georgia), are not in it for various reasons.

At midnight, we went back through to the living room for our final goodbyes. So many people were crying and hugging. I swear, I must've hugged everyone at least 3 times! It was a very emotional time. Some people left quite near the beginning, including Nathan (Irish guy). At about 12:20, we decided to walk down to the helipad, but I only agreed to it if we came back. I was with Hannah, John, Gavin, and some guy I didn't really know, as the rest of the remaining group left before us. When we finally got down to the helipad, it was closed! We had to walk all the way back to the living room, where everyone else was.

Some people left over the next 20 minutes, including John, which was a very emotional goodbye, and Megan. By 1 o'clock, there was hardly a dry eye left. Everyone hugged each other and grudgingly left. I said goodbye to Hannah, who promised we'd see each other again, and I made sure to say goodbye to Jessica and Jen. I walked down the stairs to deck 10 with Brittany and Michael (Dallas). I gave Brittany a big hug goodbye, and walked down to deck 9 with Michael, where I did the same with him. I saw the lift doors open along the corridor, and saw the remaining group of about 8 in it. Gavin and Rebecca were there. At Deck 8, Lewis got off, who I must've hugged about 5 times! Down to deck 7, and Gavin got off. I have him one last hug goodbye.

I got off at deck 6, and said goodbye to everyone. I realised I was on the wrong side of the ship, and had to walk all the way around one of the corridors. As I was walking along the balcony which overlooks the promenade just a few steps from my room, I saw them again. I waved and ran down. They were all getting drinks. I wanted to make sure their last memory of me wasn't a snivelling wreck walking out a lift. We got a drink and got the lift to deck 7. We stayed there for a few minutes, then everyone said their very last goodbyes. Everyone apart from Rebecca and I had to upstairs. We walked down to deck 6 (our rooms are in the same corridor), Hugged and said our final goodbyes. Rebecca was the very last person out of my original group that I saw.

All in all, a very emotional day, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried. A lot. I managed to make a lot of friends who I quickly grew very close to, and I'm going to miss them all so much - even the ones who I didn't know, or even the ones I didn't like so much. I'm almost certain I'll see some of them again, (Hannah, Gavin, Rebecca' Georgia), but others that I almost certainly won't - either because the live in a completely different country, (John, Brittany, Megan, Kerry), or because, although we made friends, we didn't get as close as I would've liked to (Jason, Lewis, Scott (although he's on the same flight), and perhaps the twins). It's been a great holiday, with an extremely emotional ending, and I'm definitely going to keep in contact with as many people as possible!

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