Day 13: At sea

Hi everyone!

Today we were at sea. I Woke up at about 10:30, to a really foggy, and a little but cold day. After breakfast, got to the living room about 11:45. Football was on, so I sat and talked to people instead. At 1, we were supposed to have a jenga challenge, but it never happened. At 2 was teen feud, based the TV show family feud (USA) or family fortunes (UK). I was on a team with Georgia and Brittany to start off with, then one of the twins joined us halfway through. We were losing at first (to Craig, Megan, Kerry and Clarine), but we overtook, then ended up thrashing them!

Photo scavenger hunt was next, which was exactly the same as the last one. I was with Craig, Kerry and Megan. One of the requirements was for two members to pretend to get married in the chapel. I ended up marrying Megan! This is the resulting photo....

At 4 we had assassin, however no one got assassinated. Craig tried to hold me prisoner in the living room. But I escaped. Twice. It wasn't very eventful. I couldn't get my target (I'm counting the other one as dead, wether he likes it or not!). Next was Jewellery making. We got a necklace making kit. It was extremely frustrating, and I gave up after 5 minutes. I just sat and talked with people for a while, then left to get ready for dinner.

When I got back to the room, Craig and Dad were there, but Mum wasn't. Turns out, she's been having bad back pains, so had to go to the medical bit. We went to dinner without her (Craig and Dad visited her first!), then she joined us just after we got our starters. The Canadian couple sitting at the table next to us brought me and Craig a present - a Canadian tub of Pringles! It was plain - I wish it was salt and vinegar, but I can't be fussy - that was really nice of them!

By this time, the waves outside were beginning to build, and the wind was getting stronger. The boat was starting to rock. Not much, but it was noticeable. After dinner, the 12-14 year olds (the age group I go with) had ice-skating. Jessica had a word with Laura to ask if I could join them, but she said no - because of my height, if security came in or something, they could tell I was too old. I sat and watched for the whole time, which was quite depressing. I had a couple of friends with me, and Craig (he didn't want to, and Mum and Dad hadn't signed his waiver yet), but I'd rather have been out there. I refused to go with my age group, because I know some of them have been talking about me.

Next, we had karaoke! Barely anyone got up. Brittany and Rebecca started it off with 'Don't Stop Believing,' and truth be told, they were pretty bad. A couple of others got up over the next 20 minutes, but it wasn't very exciting. The boat was rocking quite a lot, and when we were walking thought the ship, we found that they'd closed all the doors to outside because the winds were too high!

After, we had some dating thing to do with prom (similar to 'blind date'), but I went through to fuel instead, where Brittany and Jessica were. We just talked for ages. After a while, Craig came though as well (surprise surprise!). A guy from Johnny rockets brought food through - pizza, fruit, and boneless chicken with a bowl of barbecue sauce! (They've been bringing it through to The Living Room for the past few days, but still....). I tried chicken with barbecue sauce for the first time, and it was really good! After a while, all the kids came through for the prom party. It was ok, but not great. I stayed with Craig and Brittany for most of it, talking to a couple of others at times. At the end, Jason and Georgia won prom king and queen. Craig tried to convince people to vote for me for prom queen. Three people actually did - well, two were him, the other was Brittany. It was still more votes than any of the girls got! Obviously, I didn't win it (that would've been extremely embarrassing!).

We went back through to the living room, having to walk past all the older ones to get there (well, my age group), and people started questioning me on my age. Just like they have almost every other night. Someone said I was 17. They were judging me!

Our activity was writing an interesting fact about ourselves, then everyone had to guess who it was. Mines was 'I love food more than I love people'. It was supposed to be a joke, but no one really laughed. They guessed me pretty quickly. Awkward....
Me and Craig said goodnight to Clarine and Brittany, got a drink, then got back to our room just before curfew. The boat is rocking quite a lot, and e waters supposed to be really turbulent tomorrow. I can't believe we're already into our last day! I'm really going to miss it here, and I'm really going to miss some of the friends I've made!

Steven :)

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