
By JohnW

Open or closed

I chased this silly butterfly around our bedroom for a good ten minutes (ok maybe not quite that long) before I could persuade it to fly out of the open window.  Mind you that ten minutes did include snapping a load of shots, these two are the best (see extra for ‘closed’).
A steady productive day including skimming the leaves out of the pond (water feature), topping it up from the water butt, vacuuming throughout the house, and having an afternoon snooze – and of course getting my ‘blip-shot’.
Bangers and mash for tea tonight, and Mrs W is making a rye loaf in the bread machine – the first time tried so fingers crossed.
Ps – just noticed I snapped a moth on the bedroom window a couple of  Saturdays ago.  This time it was without flash and the baby camera in ‘macro mode’.

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