Musselwick Sands

Today's the day .......................... to come full circle

This is the little bay that we found on our first day here - when we approached it from the coastal path from the other side.

It was where I had my first sea swim of the year. There were hardly any people there because it takes a bit of finding. Today, there was no-one on it at all - because unless you swam - there was no way of getting on to it until the tide went out a bit.

There are three different rock types exposed in the cliffs at the head of the bay. In the north (to the left) the brightly coloured Old Red Sandstone rocks (350 million years old) can be seen; in the central part there are the dark coloured Ordovician shales (about 450 million years old) and at the southern extremity are lighter coloured rocks which belong to the Silurian Skomer Volcanic series (400 million years old).

Apart from that - it's just a very private place ...................

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