Day 10: Docked at Ibiza

Hi everyone!

Today, we were docked at Ibiza. I woke up at 12:20 to a parent-less room! Went and got pizza for brunch with Craig. Went up to the living room with Craig - found a boy called Scott there, who we met a few days ago and we're friendly with. Went through to fuel (the other teen-only club), and I tried getting on one of the computers. I've tried before, and usually the Internet is excruciatingly slow, but since we were at port, it was at an ok speed. I checked Facebook, then bbc news, where I found out there had been a plane crash in San Francisco yesterday. Didn't think to check blip, which I really should've! Scott went away after a while, and we met Megan and Kerry. It was Kerry's 12th birthday!

We had a 'countries craze' activity at 5, in which we were given a list of jumbled up countries and had to find their names. I was with Craig and the twins. We got 31 out of 40! I don't know who won though....

After dinner, we had a shopaholic scavenger hunt at 8, and we were on a team with the twins, Megan and Kerry. We had to go around the shops and find the highest and lowest prices for different categories of items (footwear, chocolatey items, etc). There was a pair of sunglasses for $636!!! The most expensive item on the ship was a bottle of liquor, which was over $4000!!!!! We got a bag for winning, which I was really happy with! Back at the club, an argument erupted between the Brits (well, Scots - West Scots ;)) about how to pronounce 'aluminium'. Despite my best efforts to calm everyone down, it got so bad that the staff member (Jessica, who is from Oklahoma - it was a shame for her, because she's really nice!) had to ban someone for half an hour, and threatened to call security.

We then had majority rules, which involved writing down as many answers as possible for a category. If no one else has your answer, you get the point. I was with Craig, Megan and Kerry. We won again, and got hats this time! Movie time was next, where we headed out to the big screen by the pool to watch the newest batman movie. Despite having a sort-of plane crash scene, I found it quite boring, and left after about 15-20 minutes. I had an argument with Craig, about how he keeps following me absolutely everywhere, then went back to the living room. There was a 15 year old Australian girl called Brittany, a 12 year old boy called Michael (who everyone calls Dallas, and who has a high-pitched voice), and Jessica. Dallas was playing a game, and the other two were just sitting talking. I sat down, then Georgia walked in. We had a long conversation, mostly about what it's like in our home countries (Georgia is from Fife, so we both talked about Scotland), and I'm now Jessica's translator, as I'm the only one from Scotland she understands (Most of the Scots on board live in or around Glasgow, and they have very strong accents!).

I got back to my room about 12:50, although I would've stayed longer if we didn't have curfew at 1. All in all, a good day with a really nice ending. Really don't want to go home, although I'm missing family, wifi, and TV!

Steven :)

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