Day 9: Docked at Mallorca

Today, we were docked at Mallorca. We got off the boat to go to a waterpark, which I didn't really want to. We got on the bus, and there were only two other people there. The waterpark was ok, but not great.

For dinner today, we thought we'd try Johnny Rockets for a change. I had two milkshakes and a cheeseburger. Again, it was ok, but not great. I went through to the living room again, and they made the arcade games free for an hour! I had a rematch against Hannah in air hockey. I thought I couldn't do any worse than last time, where I got beat 7-1. I was wrong. I got thrashed 7-0!

After that, I killed my target in assassin, but he put up a massive huff saying I didn't. I have two witnesses who saw it and said I did. I talked to one of the staff, and they said I did, so that's that then.

I hung around with Gavin, Hannah, and a few others. Eventually, I ended up with just Gavin and Georgia. We walked around the ship for a bit, then ended the night in a group hug! I got back to the cabin around 12:45, and everyone else was asleep!

Steven :)

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