Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Evening light over the village

The view is from one of the streets in the old village across to the Thermes where people come for "la cure,'" a three week treatment for bronchitis or rheumatism, all on a doctor's prescription. It is apparently more rigorous and tiring than you might expect. People who have been tell me that it is effective. It may be the placebo effect but plenty of people come back year after year for a top up. In the morning I went to the dentist to fix my loose crowns thinking they would need to be re-cemented. I did not realise that they are screwed into the implants and the dentist just had to get out his screwdriver tool, tighten them and reseal the base. So job done very quickly. I then went to the Mairie to deliver a list of key holders for the church which belongs to the commune. I also mentioned the number of comments I hear about how unkempt the village is looking and the dog dirt that visitors notice. Apparently, with the ban on weedkillers, the commune struggles  to keep on top of things and they are tearing their hair out with the lack of civic responsibility of some dog owners who even tear down signs where dogs are forbidden.

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