
By suehutton

Orange Hawkweed

By July, small yellow flowers that have a passing resemblance to dandelions throng our lawns, or at least the lawns at our end of the close. No sooner was our neighbour back from holiday than he brought out his mower to mow them down. Luckily, he doesn't mow the verge by our drive.

Then orange flowers emerge, like these. Close up, they are very pretty. Next door, they're yanked out of the ground as soon as they appear. Yes Reader, I was using my extension tube.

Sadly, he removed all the yellow vetch which I told him last year fixes nitrogen in the soil and we've had no clover for the bees. If you ever see any bees.

Jack came to spruce up the pond. The water lilies had taken over so he's cut them back severely and also put in some water cleaner and something antibacterial. He assured me the water would be clear by the weekend.

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