Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


I began my day with a run on the treadmill as I often do. Today is my birthday and to be honest I never thought I would still be running at my age. Admittedly these days it's not every day (as it used to be), it is a lot slower, less frequent and definitely very short distances.

It has been a funny kind of birthday, as so far it has felt like a very normal day which may be a good thing as then you are not reminded that you are now another year older. After breakfast I cleaned and descaled the coffee machine and then started cleaning the oven, and as I was scrubbing away at the wire oven racks I thought bugger this, it's my birthday I will just set it on the oven cleaning setting and let it be pyrometrically cleaned (even though I wince at the cost of energy that process must consume).

I did enjoy a lovely walk with Xena on Esher Common where the heather, despite going off now, is still very much in evidence as can be seen here. It was another hot day with blue skies, I cannot remember my birthday being so hot in previous years.

Then the day spiralled into a  bit of a frustrating day. I have many (many, many) camera bags, all serving different purposes and some no longer suitable as camera sizes change. I had a look at my collection on the weekend and as I have got a new one for my birthday (this one has wheels for ease of carrying heavy wildlife lenses) I want to sell/give away a few of the ones I don't use. I am giving away three bags to various members at my camera club, but three more expensive ones I am selling. So today I was scurrying around going to various shops trying to find boxes to package them up, I finally found two boxes but resorted to thick garbage bags which I have taped up for the third bag. Getting them to the Post Office was another story as I could only carry one box at a time, so that was three trips there from the car which was parked some distance away. All this in horrible traffic as we have roadworks near us and the three way traffic lights are causing chaos, so everything takes twice as long.Then ironing, and then packing as we are going to Norfolk tomorrow.

I did get a lovely long phone call from my sister in SA, and another call from friend in SA, and lots of whatsapp messages from family and friends so that has been very special. Tonight when Gavin and Tommy get home from work we are going out for a quick, early supper, hopefully not a late night as we leave very early tomorrow for Norfolk. All the boys and their gfs are joining us as we are celebrating both my and Adam's birthdays this weekend. 

On Saturday morning I have a morning group session booked with a local photographer in Cromer - well that is another story as Cromer has been cancelled due to the beach being blocked off for work on the sea defences, so we are going to Happisburgh instead. As it is an hour and a half from where we stay in Brancaster Staithe, and as we are meeting at 5am, Gavin and I are spending the night closer to that area.

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