
By StephenF

National Police Memorial

I'm in London again today. A couple of visits to NHS England and MoJ offices in Waterloo and Petty France respectively to sort out a couple of admin matters relating to the fee-paid work I do to keep my brain ticking over in my advancing years. And then Jen called to confirm she'd got a couple of tickets for tonight's Prom concert, a staging of the Glyndebourne Opera production of Carmen. And they're actually Prommer tickets- ie we'll be in the standing audience in front of the concert platform. And the tickets are just £8 each. So, I've had some time to kill and there may be some  back blips to come as a lot of images demanded to be captured. The main photo today is of the National Police Memorial which was designed by Norman Foster and unveiled by the late Queen in April 2005. It commemorates about 4,000 police officers who have died or been killed in the course of their duties. The Book of Remembrance was open on 29 and 30 August and some of the entries dated back to the 18th century - ie before the organised police forces that came into being in the Victorian age. The Memorial is just off The Mall at the entry to the road that passes alongside Horseguards Parade. The extra is taken from nearby St James's Park looking back over the lake to Horseguards and Whitehall framed by the London Eye.

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