Gaia's Child

By maura143

Look...But Don't Touch!

Fletcher and I came across an Eastern Coral Snake while on our walk this morning. It was a nice size for a Coral Snake, maybe 30 inches or so. These brightly colored snakes are members of the cobra family and are venomous. There has been only one reported death from a Coral Snake in the past 40 years and that was because the victim didn't attempt to get help. Their venom is reported to be 20 times more toxic than rattlesnake venom. Thankfully they only inject about 2% the amount of venom that a rattlesnake does. Also they are typically very reclusive and will do their very best to get away and hide from humans, often in underground burrows.They are hunted by other snakes and birds of prey. Coral Snakes and the non venomous King Snake look similar but where the Coral Snake's head is black the King Snake's is red. Also if the snake's red and yellow rings are touching it's a venomous Coral Snake. ('if red touches yellow-kill a fellow') If they aren't it's a safe King Snake. I've only seen three Eastern Coral Snakes since I moved to Gainesville from Miami almost 20 years ago. Today I kept the ever curious Fletcher well away from this handsome serpent as it went quickly on its way. m

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