Mr Badger been round in the night.
Upended my plant pots, helped himself to the roots.
Tried to get the bin lids off, failed because of my Fort Knox arrangement.
So, instead Mr Badger climbed on one of my bins to climb on something else and dragged my hanging basket to the ground, and demolished it.
So bang goes my idea of my hanging gardens of Babylon as an idea for my vegetable garden next year...
I haven't looked at the rest of my garden yet, but I can see a collection of plastic plant pots in one corner....
Kaleider Kaleidoscope
Daffodils again, but this Kaleidoscope picked up more of the curtain behind it. The colours are right, but the actual design on this curtain is squares and rectangles.
Fine here for the moment, but app promises rain, so had better see what else that badger has done...
Have your best day...
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