
By Wildwood

Mono Monday. : : Energy

There is a huge power plant on the way to Kathy's which I have always wanted to photograph but it's right before a big intersection and not easy to get a picture. Given the challenge this morning, It had to be done, so John pulled into a parking lot that was clearly marked no entry by unauthorized personnel. We pulled in anyway, trying to act like we were just lost and trying to turn around and not like terrorists planning an act of sabotage. As we were driving away, I got a quick shot of a big transmission line in a grove of redwoods carrying electricity across the valley. 

I've ranted enough times about our power company that this won't be a rant . I couldn't decide which image would best suit, but in the end I liked the idea of the comparison between trees which get all their energy from the sun and grow into beautiful, majestic, even awe inspiring trees without all the ugly wires, transformers and other paraphernalia that festoon our town and most towns everywhere. Many of us are doing our best to follow the lead of the trees and take our energy from the sun, but it is a slow and expensive process.

I also liked the way the power lines mimic the shape of the trees.

I've put the other image in extras. It fascinates me for some reason, maybe just it's complexity and brutality. It looks like the feeble green plant is trying to grow up it's structure, but I don't think it is anywhere near it. 

If I were a terrorist and weren't basically afraid of it, it seems like it would be relatively easy to cause a huge problem. For all it's brutalism and complexity it seems remarkably vulnerable. 

We drove off without seeing a soul around....

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