Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Bank Holiday Monday

We have had a quiet Bank Holiday Monday - usually, this is the weekend that we celebrate 'the birthdays', as Adam and I are two days apart and invariably one of us has a birthday that falls on Bank Holiday Monday. However this year family members were busy so we are celebrating the birthdays next weekend. 

Gavin and I went for a run this morning with Xena, I struggled on my run but then realised I had not eaten enough carbs yesterday. We did some grocery shopping and had a delicious flat white at Gails - you can now order on an app so that by the time you reach Gails it's a very short wait until you get your coffees.

I then took Xena for another walk, I wanted to see if the heather on the common was still looking good - it is past it's best but still looking colourful. Xena was enjoying sniffing around in the heather.

I spent a good chunk of the afternoon editing some of Tommy's photos for him - he does not have any editing software and so I said I would edit his best ones. 

I also started looking at what I have for all the upcoming camera club competitions - not much is the short answer, despite taking thousands of photos in Switzerland this summer, while they are of beautiful scenes they are not of a high scoring competition level. Just because a place/animal is beautiful/appealing does not make it a great photo. I have not done any photography workshops this year, which is unusual for me, and I find that when I do those workshops you can take your time and really concentrate on getting high quality images, as opposed to being on holiday with family and snapping shots as you are walking along. (but I am making up for it next year when I have much more than the usual amount of photography workshops booked).

After some serious consideration and really taking our time to explore all the options, we have decided not to attend our friends 'celebration of life' ceremony in Los Angeles in a couple of weeks time. It is a long way to go for a 3 hour event, and flights are very expensive at such late notice, but more than that Gavin has some very tight work commitments that he really cannot change or be absent from. 

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