
By Thepainterswife

Having fun with your cousins....

Wednesday....brighter and actually warmer!

Ella has two cousins that live here in Christchurch where we are, and this week cousin Louis is down from Wellington to stay at their grannys, Davids mums.

The four of them are the only ones on Daves side of the family, and have grown up as good mates, fairly much equally, and it is only now that the older 3 are hitting the teenage years that they are starting to slowly find their places in the 'cousin' hierarchy!

Louis is leading the way as he is the elder one, and seems to be a bit of a city slicker coming from the capital of Wellington City, fashion is a bit of a topic with him I think.
A and Ella are both into Dr Who in a big way and are the same age, although Ella is 2 mths older, and that counts alot apparently!
Young D is the baby of the family, and plays on that alot, and is a bit of a smart character really....

Granny usually has them alot of the time when they are together down here, and she loves it!

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