
By ZE1Christie

Walking tae Norik

A breezy day, sunny spells and the odd shower.  Calm tonight, but rained most of the evening. 

Up fairly early, tidied and packed up the caravan after breakfast.  Headed out for a walk with Sammy.  Popped by Julie's, she had lunch ready for us, before we headed to the ferries.  Working in the shop this evening, quieter than usual.  Kitty arrived this evening.  She's been a tad unsettled, but starting to come out, play and explore.  

Sadly more showers and wind, put off any exciting hikes this morning, just stuck to the roads for walking.  The weather wasn't bad enough to stop anyone, and these tourists seems jolly as they passed us on their way to the beach.  Taken at Norik (Norwick), Unst. 

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