
By tridral

Golygfa arall na ddylid ei osgoi

Golygfa arall na ddylid ei osgoi ~ Another scene that should not be bypassed

“Still round the corner there may wait, / a new road or a secret gate.”
― J.R.R. Tolkein,

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Noson wael arall. Roedd yn stormus iawn. Nid ydym yn dda ('well') ond yn ddigon da ('well') i fod gyda'n gilydd yn ystafell y cysegr. Rydyn ni wedi dechrau pacio, ond ni allwn orffen pacio tan yfory.

Es i i rywle arall heddiw, i lawr y trac i 'Gornel Norman'. Un o fy hoff olygfeydd, yn edrych dros dŷ Norman a'r Ffordd osgoi Llandysul hefyd.

Gyda'r nos cawsom ddathlu, yn debyg i 'Noson Lawen' traddodiadol. Perfformiodd pawb gân, barddoniaeth, neu gerddoriaeth, i ddifyrru'r cwmni. Roedd diwedd da i wythnos ryfedd.

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Another bad night. It was very stormy. We are not good ('better') but good enough ('better') to be together in the sanctuary room. We've started packing, but we can't finish packing until tomorrow.

I went elsewhere today, down the track to 'Norman's Corner'. One of my favourite views, overlooking Norman's house and the Llandysul Bypass as well.

In the evening we had a celebration, similar to a traditional 'Noson Lawen'. Everyone performed a song, poetry, or music, to entertain the company. It was a good end to a strange week.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Bryn, cau, tŷ, ffordd
Description (English): Hill, field, house, road
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