Cwpwrdd gardd a sylfaen carreg

Cwpwrdd gardd a sylfaen carreg ~ Garden cupboard and stone base

“Whatever it grants to vision and whatever its manner, a photograph is always invisible: it is not it that we see.”
― Roland Barthes

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Rydyn ni wedi prynu dau gwpwrdd gardd sy'n rhaid i ni adeiladu. Mae un wedi bron yn gorffen ac yn angen dim ond ei drysau. Bydda i'n dechrau ar yr arall yfory. Heddiw gwnes i sylfaen i'r cypyrddau eistedd arno. Y syniad yw defnyddio naddion cerrig i ddarparu ffordd i law i ddraenio fel bod dydy'r cypyrddau ddim yn sefyll mewn dŵr. Dydw i ddim yn siŵr os bydd e'n gweithio. Gawn i weld yn fuan am wn i.

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We have bought two garden cupboards which we have to build. One is almost finished and only needs its doors. I'll start on the other one tomorrow. Today I made a base for the cupboards to sit on. The idea is to use stone chips to provide a way for rain to drain so that the cupboards don't stand in water. I'm not sure if it will work. I guess we'll see soon.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Cwpwrdd gardd (heb ei ddrysau)
Description (English): Garden cupboard (without its doors)

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