
By hazelh

Places new and old

We started our day just north of Bury St Edmunds and have ended it just south of Bradford (after a delicious curry). We made two stops along the route, both of which were lots of fun.

The first stop was Lincoln. Here our host Anna showed us her new, mostly pink, house. We gave her a house-warming present of a glug jug - pink, of course. Then the three of us walked into town to have lunch, look at the castle and cathedral, and photograph ourselves at the Newport Arch. In the extra you can see our attempt at the arch to replicate the 1932 pose of Mr hazelh's great-grandmother Topsie, grandfather Theo, and great aunt Lorna (Lloyd). Our first ever visit to Lincoln was all the more interesting because the annual steampunk festival is taking place there this weekend. There were hundreds of people promenading in the streets in the most wonderful home-made outlandish costumes.

Our second stop was also connected to Mr hazelh's family. About an hour north of Lincoln, we parked outside his grandparents' old house (blipped). Our intention was to take some photographs quietly from the road, then set off for Bradford. However, when we arrived we found the current owner of the house and his parents in the drive. Mr hazelh introduced himself and before long we were honoured guests following a guided tour of the house, garden, former outhouses, and grounds. We were even offered drinks. Our host was just as interested in Mr hazelh's explanations of the place as it was in the 1960s and 70s as we were in its current form today.

By tomorrow evening we will be back in Edinburgh, but there is just one further visit to make before we cross the border tomorrow afternoon.

Exercise today: walking (15,858 steps). 

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