
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 73/92
Main activity: Sat - around the house
Notes: Woke ~6a. Slow morning of not much to do and not any great ideas of how to spend the day. Did some little stuff around the house, online awhile and did some cooking. Put steaks in the crock pot first thing in the morning - took the filet out early and left the NY Strips in. Mid morning decided to make a new batch of carnivore pancakes and also cooked a bit of bacon during that process. Tired hit around 1p so got the bike ready and then put on a meditation and woke from a sound sleep at 3p. Ate egg-bake w/ ground turkey and chunks of steak and had a carn pancake. Mid-aft shower and then did some more tracks of the Sedona Method cd's. Awake till after 11p again.

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