A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Baildon Harley weekend

Bullfest behind the Bull’s Head in Baildon saw our ATN singing group opening up proceedings this afternoon with, as we say in Yorkshire, a ‘reet good sing’! 

After our 40 minute session we all headed into the pub for a well deserved drink in the sun outside,  it was warm with not too much wind after the horrors of yesterday. 

Four of us then took a tour around the village centre to see the motorbikes on display. R, fellow singer, walker, sometime blipper and friend was most taken with this Harley Davidson. It was immaculate and we came to the conclusion that it hadn’t been ridden here.  
Lots more on display and two more stages with live music based at other pubs in the village centre. Always a good end of summer event.  We’ve done it every year since we started the singing group except for Covid times of course.

They have a ‘ride out’ on the Sunday morning and this year they are riding to Ilkley. Quite a sight I imagine. They have passed though our village in past years heading to Haworth.

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