
By Memories4Me

"We're not going back!"

I have been reveling in the Democratic National Convention this week.  Such an amazing four days that culminated with the fiery and impassionate acceptance speech last night by Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for President.  I made this image from a photo the campaign sent after my donation.  I have felt hope for the first time in months that we can finally rid ourselves of the scourge of the Maga cult and its despicable leader.  75 days until the election and lots of work to do but as Coach Walz said in his acceptance speech, the momentum is on our side, we have the ball on the 10-yard line, and we have the most fired up and talented team lead by this dynamic quarterback.  I prayed that I'd live to see the day that a woman becomes president, and this might very well be the year.

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