Every Picture Tells .....


The Bowls Team


I spent the morning in the garden, enjoying the warm weather. Despite the forecast predicting rain, it stayed dry, allowing me to work comfortably in a t-shirt. I took a  break when Matthew arrived in the Plum Van with this week’s Ocado delivery at 09:30.

My sister-in-law, who was down in Wales, dropped by for lunch and  it was good to catch up as we had not seen her since Harriet's wedding back in April.

By 4:00 pm, it was time to head to the bowling green for some practice ahead of our evening match—the final game of the season in the Clwyd Bowling League. 

Although the evening was supposed to be dry, we were caught off guard by a few heavy showers, which slowed down the bowls. I was pleased to finish on a high note with a 21-9 win in my own game. Unfortunately, the team didn’t fare as well overall, losing the match 4-8 on points.

As it was the last game of the season, we gathered before the game for the obligatory team photo and afterwards we all went to The Castle Inn in Rhuddlan were we enjoyed a buffet supper and a few drinks, a perfect way to wrap up the season.

It’s bittersweet knowing that I won’t see some of my Thursday evening team mates until April 2025 when the new season begins. However, the Tuesday afternoon league continues until early October, giving us a bit more time on the green.

Here’s the team photo (from left to right):

Max (captain), Keith J, Brian, Paul, Maurice, Maggie, John, Gareth, Arwel, Arwen, Keith H, Falyri, and myself.

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