
By amandoAlentejo

Grandma's Geraniums

The last (I think) of this series on flowers and those they remind me of.

Geraniums always remind me of my maternal grandmother - her front room (that I never remember sitting in, though I used to sneak in there to escape everyone and read or look through her old albums) was always full of them.

Wouldn't say I'm any good at looking after them, but having a go. And the chair behind is one of a set of six that I've inherited from her. Saw an identical one at the NT property, Baddersley Clinton.

ANOTHER scorcher of a day, begun by walking my youngest to her work experience at the donkey sanctuary in the Park. In my sleep-befuddled state, went without a key or a phone - and everyone out when I got back - I hadn't even had breakfast...

Over four hours in hospital woth my Mum - another long story... but progress is being made.

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