A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

More seasonal hints.

A miserable morning which made for a damp and windy early walk. Still enjoyed the company and the exercise.

Walking up from the village to the entrance to the St Ives Estate I noticed the verges, which were overflowing with nettles etc onto the pavements, have been completely cleared.
This has allowed a lovely little wild Cyclamen to appear, another sign of Autumn. 

After breakfast and a shower we went over to M&S in Guiseley for a pre bank holiday weekend shop. The car park is interspersed with lovely little Rowan trees full of berries. So this is my blip on the theme of seasonal changes.

The afternoon was brighter and warmer but I went off to choir as I missed it on Monday. Good to go over a few less familiar songs and the set list for the gig on Saturday at Baildon’s Harley Weekend.

Ready for a cuppa now. Grace had been into school today for results day and her results were good which wasn’t entirely expected!

Today would have been my dad’s birthday - 106!

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