
By StephenF

The Chagall Window

Another back blip, I'm afraid, but I hope I will be forgiven as I am featuring  the Chagall window at Chichester Cathedral. In 1969, the then Dean of the Cathedral. Walter Hussey, approached Marc Chagall, who had visited Chichester, and asked him if he would design a window for the Cathedral. Chagall was too busy at the time but accepted the commission in 1975. The window was unveiled by the Duchess of Kent  in October 1978. It is a visual interpretation of Psalm 150 and contains all the musical instruments mentioned in the psalm, from the Jewish harp played by King David at the top, to the strings (bottom left) and the trumpet (bottom right). A number of animals and birds appear in the window, said to represent members of God’s kingdom joining in the praise. The extra is a view of the Cathedral. I did not find it at all over-imposing although I subsequently read that it has the third tallest spire in England. It was consecrated n 1108 and is a mix of Norman and Gothic architecture. 

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