
By KathyH58

A white garden

One of my British clients always wanted a white garden. Now she has one and is looking forward to seeing things bloom next year. I chose plants with different bloom times too. I really wish I had remembered to take a before shot of this area. It was full of weeds and seedlings from a burning bush that used to be there. The stepping stones that are in the garden were recycled from another area of the yard.

One of my workers commented today that he likes going to her place because she is always happy with what we do. There will be more work there for us next year, there is an old garden along the opposite side of the yard that needs some attention. She already has some plans for it.

I hired another worker today, someone who can work thru the fall. He is a friend of one of my other workers. Both of them are from Kenya, and they are both strong, hard workers.

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