
By KathyH58


Peaches wanted to be a blip star today. She was stretched out on the floor with front paws in the air. Just after I got this photo, she rolled over.

It rained heavy, early this morning. In the past 24 hours we have had about 1.5 inches of rain, at least that is the amount that was in my rain gauge. By 6 am it had stopped raining, so we are able to start work at our usual time.

It stayed cloudy all day and most of the humidity was gone. I went to the regular Tuesday potluck picnic tonight. Only 8 of us there, I guess the others thought it might rain, so they stayed home.  Four newer members, so it was nice to be able to talk to them.

After giving the roommate his eviction notice last week, then he paid his rent up to the end of September. Now he  has given his notice that he will be leaving, in his email he said Nov 18th, but he actually plans to pick up his belongings on August 30. Now I have to decide if I want to look for another roommate.

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