
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 77/92
Main activity: Wed - low-key
Notes: Woke early and wanted to sleep more but it didn't happen - quite tired from the get-go. Up and still out of sort-ish. Can't even remember what I did all morning except coffee and catch up on some truther vids. Decided to go for pool around noon just to get out and fresh air - stifling and sticky tho even w/ lots of clouds. Sat and read a little but then felt like I was getting bit (w/o the blazing sun, the bugs are more out) so I headed back. Tried a couple meditations and couldn't settle, was irritated. Did some releasing then on couple things and then on the releasing method itself (Sedona)! Went for a LL guided meditation then and did calm some and got mostly thru it and then slept a bit after. Made a piece of salmon (wasn't great) w/ 2 eggs and some bacon for meal. Had a piece of the newly made cinnamon carnivore cake tho didn't put it into 2 layers this time and froze half of it. Still VERY good w/ cinnamon whipped cream and honey drizzle. Watched a bunch of JC & Janine thru the afternoon, shower a bit earlier. Did the house drawing again as Jo had and we shared those. Streamed shows then in the evening - both power packs died early and then watched a bit of the downloaded Orange is the New Black on my tablet even tho I've canceled Netflix.

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