The strawberry huller
aka a grapefruit knife. Mum's treasure. It's obviously very precious to her as she keeps taking it from the cutlery drawer and hiding it. So far I've found it in her spectacles case, wrapped in kitchen roll & elastic band in her bedside table drawer, in amongst her colouring pencils, & yesterday in the drawer of the tv cabinet.
An early visit to the allotment. I picked French beans, peas, runner beans, spinach, & pulled beetroot. Watered the beans & peas. Walked up to town for the newspaper.
Drove down to CK, Mum was wearing her pyjama top under her cardie so we had a quick costume change before I made her breakfast. Left her eating her toast while Indie & I set off on our morning jaunt. Lots of plump ripe blackberries to be eaten en-route. Back to base Mum & I walked up to the village hall to change the jigsaw puzzles. I picked up a few books that sounded interesting, authors unknown to me. Next we went to post Kevins grass cutting money through his letterbox. He lives in the council house where I was born, & we lived as a family before Mum & Dad took over the tenancy of The Anchor Inn. Neil was born at The Anchor Inn. I reminded Mum that we used to live there many years ago. On our way home we saw Nicky Wills, & her dad, Charlie, who is 94 years old. They were just reversing back into their driveway so it was lovely of Nicky to stop so that we could have a chat. As she said, they only time we see any of the villagers these days is at funerals.
Bruce is painting the front garden exterior wall at Mum's, given it 2 coats, & it looks great, just needs to paint the bottom 10" black to finish off. That will be tomorrow.
I made Mum's lunch, sat with her while she ate it, making sure the dog was'nt. She is naughty, she sits at Mum's side, pawing her leg when she's having her meals. Very partial to toast with butter & marmalade.
Back to Chudleigh, made lunch for hubby & I. Made a few phonecalls, Social Services being one of them. Mum's savings over the threshold so I need to contact independent care companies. I would still like Mum to get some kind of Dementia assessment, so will need to make a few more calls tomorrow. Hubby had a mobilty assessment done last week by the OT dept. Today a bed lever was delivered & put in place.
Thank you for your comments, likes & hearts. It really helps that Mum has a great sense of humour. Long may it last. Mine also. x
Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting
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