Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Long day

Up at ridiculous o'clock to head to the big smoke, London.

The train was over 20 minutes late getting into Paddington, so I am probably due to some money back again. Lol!

The team were in front of our investors. As usual we blew them away, now we just need the chance to do that on a global level. We will see what happens.

By the time I left the office to get across to my hotel, I barely had time to dump my stuff and then get across to Piccadilly Circus to the theatre. I went to see Two Strangers (Carry a Cake Across New York). It was a musical romcom and very good it was as well.

I was glad to put my head down to try and catch up on some sleep. I won't be having much though, as I need to get up early again to do some work ahead of an audit tomorrow.

No rest for the wicked. Lol!

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Having a great team who blew away our investors. So proud of them
2.  A delicious dinner from an Indian Street Food place
3.  A fantastic romcom musical evening

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