Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

London Calling Again

Another lie in this morning.

After breakfast it was all set for the Women's World Cup final between England and Spain.  There was great anticipation and nervousness as the game kicked off.  England hit the bar and had a couple of other chances, but then one mistake and Spain had taken the lead.  The pressure was on and despite England make changes they just couldn't get that one chance to get them back in the game.  I was absolutely gutted and I'm not even English.  Even so the impact the Lionesses are making for women's sport, not just football, is incredible and I think it is only going to grow and grow.  It is wonderful to see.

After tea I headed to that old London town again, as I'm on a course all week.  Sadly I'm not staying at the big building in the distance but a well known chain of hotels.  Only just 3 minutes from the venue tomorrow, so that will be nice and easy.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  A lie in
2.  A chicken Kiev dinner
3.  A fantastic World Cup tournament by the Lionesses

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