RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Boat Launch

Our friend with a motorized runabout is in town. He looks for any excuse to get his boat on the water and so jumped at the chance to take me out for some "golden hour" shots. The sun unfortunately did not get the memo that I would be on the water and stubbornly remained behind some small clouds until we were ready to come back in. We cruised by Playa Principal where the fishing fleet was launching for the evening. Being on the water rather than the beach allowed a more unique perspective - the fishermen pushing the boats into the waves were facing me, as in this shot, instead of having their backs to me as is usually the case. Needless to say, I took tons of photos (over 100 in less than a half hour) because who knew when I might be able to get on the water again. Made for a lot of editing later, but resulted in a number of shots that I quite liked (such as this one).

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