While on my runs

By waipushrink

Eating the succulent new leaves

Today we went north to Snells Beach to see S' younger brother and his wife, and have lunch with them. Travelling in the middle of the day meant that the traffic was light and flowed easily.  as it also was when we drove home.

Mid-afternoon I saw a Kereru (New Zealand or Wood Pigeon) fly across and settle in a tree; almost at the very top. A big and heavy bird, the Kereru tend to seek food while perched on very slender branches; perhaps more appropriately called twigs. I got my Pentax and went outside seeking a good position.

When I first arrived the Kereru showed interest; stopped feeding and watched me. Seemingly I was assessed as harmless (which I mostly am). This large bird (510 mm) is significantly bigger than the introduced rock pigeon (330 mm). They tend to travel in pairs.

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