michigan man

By outdoorguy

Tractor Tuesday

Nothing runs like a Deere.

I wish it didn't, but this reminds me of something that happened to me 57 years ago when I was 13.

A farmer at our church announced that he needed some hands to bushel up his hay, so my mom volunteered me for the paying job. Like the driver in the picture, I showed up in shorts and a short-sleeved short. As I got out of the car, I heard some snickers, and wondered why.

I quickly found out. In grabbing at the bales, whether on the ground or the wagon, I was quickly covered in cuts, scrapes, and blood.

The next day I wore pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Live and learn.

I will admit when I saw this guy that I thought he was underdressed. FARMERS DON'T DRESS LIKE THAT! GET SOME PANTS ON!

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