michigan man

By outdoorguy

S(h)een at a Local She Shed

A typical Sunday for us...until it wasn't. Church in the morning and lunch at Culver's with Bobby and Linda was typical, then it turned ugly.

We have a leak in the basement that is coming down from the kitchen sink. Since I am NOT a fix-it guy, and our friend Robert KNOWS it, he offered to look at it for me. That look started at 2 p.m., and at 6 p.m., he was still perplexed. But, at 6:10, he thinks he sees the root of the problem.

But, it's late. So, until tomorrow, we are without hot water and the dishwasher is sitting in the middle of the kitchen...completely unhooked. 

I'm very thankful for friends, because it was WAY out of my comfort zone. WAY OUT!

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