
By DDon

The Story of Moe

Ok, here’s the story on Moe. Our granddaughter Elle did some of her educational teaching observations at Perrydale High School, close to us last year. In that time, she got to know Ivy, a neighbor of ours. Last night, Jody and Elle were on a phone call. Jody was telling her about the ongoing cat dilemma with Moe and Peanut, and as they talked, Elle texted a picture of Moe to Ivy. Ivy replied back, “That’s my cat!” They soon came over to get him (his name turns out to be Felix), but he was nowhere to be found. Long story short, he walked back home in the middle of the night, we heard from his owners. Peanut is relieved beyond measure, and it’s a happy ending for all. Now, if he will only stay home. Welcome home, Felix Moe.

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