
By Viewpoint

Princes Exchange Building

Leeds today with the RPS Contemporary North group.  

A meet up in the station entrance as I think all of us had traveled by train.  Trying to get a group photo was a bit like herding cats though I think someone got a shot of the whole group.  I was very aware that whatever it is that's having a physical impact on me means that I can no longer stand still in one spot for very long - an admission from someone who did Tai Chi for 15 years or so and knows how to stand in one place.

A small group of us who didn't want to end up in the shops split off and because I'd done the walk before with GG I was the one directing the route  we took.  So we went to Wellington Place, which is mainly glass and steel, with one old building still standing as a Memento Mori,  which is where we had coffee.  I had a croissant with cheese and ham - I needed a top up after a very early breakfast and ended up reacting badly to eating and had to go and sit in one of the easier chairs.  They were all very patient with me and carried on chatting and after about 20mins I came round and was able to join in the conversation again and we moved on.  (I need to get in touch with my doctors again about this - it's one thing for it to happen at home, but another when I'm out and about - this time fortunately with friends who were very patient. I have my trip to Tuscany a the back of my mind all of the time.)

Fortunately as we walked I came back closer to normal and was able to lead the way to the Dark Arches and into Granary Walk where some of our group managed something to eat.  I decided I would go home early and caught the 3.10 back to Barnsley and was home by 4.10pm.  I even watered some pots (rain last night as well) and filled up two of the bird feeders before I made my own sandwich.  No sign of the `dip' after I ate my sandwich, nor when I ate my Feta, spinach and pine-nut pie a little later, but then I don't tend to notice it happening on an evening.

Phone call from Lucy about the Tuscany holiday while I waited in the station, so a bit of an exchange about what was happening to me health wise and discussion about trains from Pisa to Barga - I need to revisit this, like now when my brain is relatively functional.

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