Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

First day working 5 hours, and it went ok, although I had a feeling this morning of a cold coming. Hopefully rest will chase that away.
Today the water was going to be shut of at 8 o'clock, so there was a mad rush to fill up buckets and more to have water for those hours. The water was shut of at 9 and turned on again at 11. We did manage, thankfully. 
My chores took me out to the flower beds again, to put together 3 bouquets. When I left at 12.30, they were still there in their vase. Some days are like that. I liked this one with yellow and orange, and a coworker liked it the best too. 
Then some usual chores like tending to customers, and tidying up in the shop space. I also took care of chilli, dried ones and fresh ones. The fresh ones replaced the dried ones in the 'dryer' or what to call the electrical machine drying herbs and veggies,  and they will be turned into chilli salt, eventually, or sold in flakes in smaller bags. 
I also helped a coworker peal off bark from tree branches. She's making a project and the fresh branches needs to dry first.
Then it was time to go home and I did manage to get to my bus in time. 
Mostly resting this evening, hoping this 'cold' goes away.

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