Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Flower, flowers, flowers and a bus...
Well, I just had to take a photo of the bus this morning, with the sun rising behind it. Such a relief to go by this bus again. I was less tired coming home, which is a win. :) Shorter days means better health, for me. But, I do have a plan (already) on how to avoid this next summer.

My first chore was to arrange the flowers one of the bosses had harvested, into vases and put prises on them. We had early customers, so I tended to them too, as usual. Then I was asked to create bouquets and went out just before our break.
I can get a bit overwhelmed sometimes among all the flowers when I don't have a plan coming out. So I think I was 'buzzing' around among the flowers a bit too long, trying to put together bouquets in my head. Then break and I talked to my boss, who's back from vacation. 
Then binding bouquets and taking care of customers at the same time, so I was a bit late for my boss and my pre-meeting. Then we went to meet the two other attending this meeting, and it was a good one. I'm starting, tomorrow, to work a bit longer, and in the middle of September I'm working half time, and get a bit more money, too, since the wages has risen. That will be nice! And I can save a bit too. :)
After the meeting it was back to chores... but I mostly took care of customers and answered the phone. I sold two of the new bouquets, that's always fun! I also had a quick chat with my boss about my irritation last week, and she said they (the bosses) will again tell all our coworkers when we can do our shopping. She understood my frustration and told me that sometimes it's valid o show irritation. 
After work I did some shopping and collected a parcel with a ring light. It comes with a tripod and the possibility to place the phone in the middle and bend it down, so I can film what I'm doing on a table. The first step to start a youtube channel (just for fun) with the creative things I do at home. :) 
I'm doing a 'Thankful November' and will be creating something with a journaling card what I'm thankful for written on it. In the end there'll be 31 things, big and small, thankfully notes to go back to. And, perhaps a journal with the same theme but in Swedish.

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