
By suehutton

Window Art

As it's World Photography Day I resolved to take several photos on my phone while in Ashby to have my feet curated. Some of those are in the Extras. They're not riveting, but it's the thought that counts, isn't it?

After the feet, I met up with Len and Basil at our favourite café in the Pass Courtyard, A Moment in Thyme. Sam was looking after things but told us it was his last day. He's also quitting his Wetherspoons job which is a gig-economy job that doesn't offer enough hours. He's going for an interview tomorrow which has guaranteed hours that will enable him to earn enough to take his girlfriend to New York next year for her 21st. How noble!

His Mum and Dad will continue to run the café at least until November when the lease expires, but if no one comes forward to buy the business, it will close then. Sad.

The window art was drawn by Sam's Mum who I think will be very disappointed if the café closes. From what Sam said, I think it was a dream project of hers.

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